Sunday, 28 October 2012

El Alamein

70th Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein

Any takers for a return bout ?
Any budding Monties or Desert Foxes out there?

Friday, 26 October 2012

Daemons vs Dark Elves Photos

Daemons vs Dark Elves last night

Dark Elf Crossbowmen lining up behind a hedgerow, waiting for the Dark Portals to open

The Dark Riders charge forward as to shield the Witch Elves and Cauldron from the charge of the Daemonettes, and in the process, pay the highest sacrifice in the service of Khaine.
 The sight of their blood  fuels the bezerk frenzy of the Hag and her followers, who then fail to charge into contact with the Horrors that were the closest unit to them.

While the Nurgle Herald and his followers languish, like the DE Black Guar,d on the sideline, both units only arriving in the 2nd move of either side

Daemon Dogs of Khorne  intervene to protect their Bloodletter masters from yet another volley of 66 shots of Dark Elf hatred, now at boiling point, after their previous magic phase and shooting had been nullified by Amintok's net.

The Bloodletter herald, and the Nurgle Unit rapidly approach, while the Daemon Prince hungrily eyes the flank of the unit of Blackguard that have descended on the Fiend, who had just dispatched their Repeater Bolt-thrower

Kouran's presence spurs the Elite Blackguard to even greater atrocities, and the Fiend stands no chance...

The fearless Elves hack at the tsunami of daemons descending at them

Only to be whittled away one by one

Leaving only 2 models:  
The standard bearer (who is probably more afraid of Kouran than the horde of daemons), and "his nibs", Kouran of the Tower, both alas, no more...

Leaving the Bloodletters and Daemon Prince to make mincemeat of the crossbowmen. 
The High Sorceress survives, only to flee, caught in the pursuit, and her pointy skull added to the pile of offerings to the blood god.

Meanwhile the Witches and Dreadlord had slashed and poisoned their way through a unit of  Horrors of Tzeench, only  to be led into a trap by that over-friendly and boisterous puppy, the Beast of nurgle, who just had to be charged due to their bezerk frenzy.

 A well deserved victory to Sam's Daemons of Fluff, after a four-hour long battle!

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Fluffy Daemons and Spiteful Frenzied Shooty Elves

Link to Battle report on Sam and Herman's  Game Thursday:

Kouran of the Blackguard, last man standing against the Demon Prince

Old School Fluffy Demons flatten Hatefilled, Spiteful ,Shooty, Frenzied Dark Elves in 4-hour slogfest
Check this great battle report from Sam:

Thursday games

Great Games night last night (again) How I love this hobby... 

Sam and Herman went toe-to-toe with Old School Chaos Daemons vs Dark Elves( Modified Storm of Magic List), Hamish and Nick having 2 games in the evening, first Skaven on Greenskins, then Chaos on Greenskins. (Was this the first outing for Hamish's Skaven Army)

40K had plenty of games going, as did role play, and the WW2 players were clearly at it too. Noticed a very innovative rail gun on the table which was deserted by the time I arrived.

We've had a call for battle reports. I'll do one on my game with Sam, I'm sure he'll do one from his perspective. How about the other guys?


Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Some funnies of the Web. 
 "Plastic Dudesmen" by Goatboy: Some great gaming related cartoons!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Games Night

Games Night Tonight.

Suspect some 40K, WW2 and Fantasy Games will happen

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Swap meet a big Success

Swap Meet 7 November 2012

We had a great swop meet yesterday. Most of us sold some of our stuff, many discovered a few gems, added to our inventories, expanded our armies. There was something for everyone: Warhammer Fantasy, 40K, FoW, 1/72 and 1/25th, 15mm Ancients, even a few Grenadier Minis were seen too.

Hamish with some Chaos Warriors and Elves for sale

A haul of 1/72 and 1/35 wargames bits

Mike had some Imperial Guard and FoW for sale

A bonus on the day: Nathan Smith from Games Workshop Wellington arrived with a container full of terrain that he donated to the KWC Club. Many thanks Nathan, we really appreciate this generosity!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Last reminder for Swap Meet

The tension is growing...models are being dusted off, cobwebs removed. Tomorrow is the swap meet!
Bring yer old models, bits, bobs and unused stuff...any scale, any genre, any state. Your trash may be another's treasure. Buy, sell and swap. Gold coin donation at the door. Catering available. Please support the efforts of your commitee to raise funds for YOU and your enjoyment of the club!

Paraparaumu Community Centre
Ngahina Rd, Paraparaumu (behind Library)
09.30am to 3.30pm 
Sunday 7 October 2012