Monday, 9 December 2013

Master's Results form last week

WHFB NZ Master's Results in:  Kapiti WC up there.

Hamish and Sam went up to Hamilton to take part in the NZ Masters Invitational Tournament. The Overall Winner was Pete Dunn. Well done Pete. Looks like Skaven ruled the roost !

Full results: The Fields of Blood (Pete's Blog)

Hamish finished 3rd over all, and Sam 8th.

Sam was up there in the running points wise on day two.

Congrats both of you!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Working Bee Photos

First Photos from the KWC Working Bee

Some phot's from the Working Bee at Herman's. Good turnout, plenty of hands, made lots of terrain. The club is a pile of forest bases and marshes richer. The hills are also coming along well. Many thanks to all the hands that made light work.

MDF at hand

marking the shapes...

and out come the power tools!

Voila ! The first bases taking shape

Thursday, 21 November 2013

1,2,3...KWC, Working Bee

All about rhyming slang today: 
KWC, Working Bee...

A group of us are getting together to build and maintain terrain tomorrow 23.11.2013

Open to members, their families and friends. We intend to build and maintian terrain for the club, frazzle a few sausages on the BBQ over lunch.
At Herman's place, from 10 am onwards: Details from committee members or via the KWC facebook page: Clicky on bee for link:

 KWC FB page

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Packed Club Night

 Nov 2013- Packed Club Night

WOW! Walked in tonight to find the club's 2nd Session  absolutely PACKED.

Gaming going on in all around! 40K, WHFB, Warmachine, FoW, Board games, RPG!
 WoW, Just WoW! What a buzz! Just so great to see so many gamers!
Fern counted 34 before we arrived, so final count 36. Must be a record for a gaming night!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Warmachine/Hordes Journeyman More information Page.

Week 1 has come and gone and Week 2 is coming up soon, so you need to buy that extra 4 or 5 points to up your force to 15 pts required for next Thursday and 25 points for the 3rd week. There are some links to progress so far, force composition, rules for the league, basic game rules and where to buy Warmachines.

Chris has posted up a blog update on Thrallblacks of first week's progress of the journeyman league .

Here's a guide Chris has posted for all about force composition:
Journeyman League Rules
Warmachine Quickstart Rules
Hordes Quickstart Rules

Also resources available
Privateer Press forums
Battle College Warmachine/hordes tactical guide

Some of the places to buy Warmachine:

Slave to Painting
Jambo Hobbies.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

KWC players moving up in the rankings

Latest rankings out after Skitterleap over at Pete Dunn's Fields of Blood:

KWC player slowly starting to move up the national rankings with Hamish Gordon now moving up into the to 10, with Sam Campbell nudging the leaders. Rex Foote took best sport, and Nick's Vamps made their presence felt. Seems that DoC, WoC  and Ogres rule the roost, with the High Elves also making a show.

The Club is making its presnce felt! Well done guys

Should be interesting to see what the new Dark Elves Army Book brings to the table...

Monday, 21 October 2013

KWC Swap 2013 Day a Big Success

KWC Swap 2013 Day a Big Success

A big thank you to all who took part in our second Swap Meet. We had an excellent turnout, with gamers from all over the region coming to buy, swap and sell every type and scale of wargaming paraphernalia you can think of. 

Board games, role playing games, 40K, Warhammer, Warmachine, FoW, 20mm, and every scale smaller and larger, up to probably 54mm, I think. Pukeko games did a roaring trade too! 
You name it, it was there!

Our gratitute to the members and committee who all helped to make our second Swap Meet a roaring success. I for one went off with a load of miniatures, conversion bits, and terrain for both my loves- 20 mm WW 2 and Warhammer Fantasy. I sold quite a few carry cases, 1/72 models, the last of my 40K (CSM and SM), codexes, reference and source books, a handful of minis and lots of bits.

Some armies changed hands. Some lucky FoW gamer walked off what can only be described as an Allied Invasion force. I was sorely tempted to invest in a 15 mm Army, buy stood strong... Less so when it came to the fantasy miniatures and paints Pukeko had on sale. Showed a (small) profit for the day. The best part was the cameraderie, the friendly banter and negotiation that took place, the shared passion for our hobby. Just great stuff! If you didn't make it this year you have to try and get down to our annual Swap Meet next year October!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Games night and Swap Meet

Reminder of our Annual KWC Swap meet. 

Walk, cycle, pedal, drive or swim to get there!

Sunday 20 October 2013
Paraparaumu Community Centre
Ngahina Street

All welcome to attend, sell, barter  and swap your unwanted Minis and leftover Bitz

Open to Club members and non-club members, Visitors welcome !

Club Games Night Thursdays

Members and Non-members welcome
Membership available

Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Warhammer 40K
Flames of War
WW2 in 20mm (FoW rules)
Napoleonics (coming soon)
Board Games
Fantasy Role Play
Other games systems also welcome

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Miniatures Swop and Sales: 2nd Annual Kapiti Wargames Club Swap Day 20 October 2013

We want you! 

For the 

Kapiti Wargames Club 

Swap Day


Unwanted or unloved Miniatures?

The Annual Kapiti Wargames Club Swap Meet is on again!

Sunday 20 October 2013
10.00 to 16.00Paraparaumu Community CentreNga Hina Street, Paraparaumu

Entry Gold Coin Donation at door
 Bring all your unwanted bits and models: Warhammer, 40K, Warmachine, Military, Ancients, Moderns, 28mm, 20mm, 15mmm...any scale, any condition. Missing bits, complete or partial kits, WW2, FoW. all comers welcome! 
Your trash is likely someones treasure!
Sell or swap!

(Most likely there will be some gaming too)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Dark Elves Incoming

Dark Elves Incoming

First look at the new Dark Elf release from Games Workshop:
More pictures on Trouble in the Borderprovinces website:

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Privateer Press' Meg Maples is coming to NZ

Ex Privateer Press staff painter Meg Maples, is coming to Wellington on the 15th and 16th February 2014 to run a 2-day intensive miniature painting tutorial.

The class will cover:

· Mini prep—cleaning, gluing tricks, priming
· Basecoating--paint consistency and undercoats
· 2 brush blending
· Glazing
· Freehand
· Faces, skin and hair
· Color theory
· True Metallics vs NMM vs Sky-Earth NMM
· Display base discussion
· How to store minis
· Competition vs tabletop vs display
· Palettes: well vs. wet

The class will run from 9am till 6pm each day and will be an informal Q&A discussion format with demonstrations, small group work and one on one guidance. The class is aimed for painters at all levels of experience. The course will be held at Heretanga College, Silverstream, Upper Hutt.

A miniature will be provided to work on but attendees will need to bring their own brushes, paints and miniature tools (files, scalpels etc). Meg also recommends a W&N series 7 Standard (not miniature) size 2 and a Raphael 8404 size 3 for her 2 brush blending demonstration.

The cost for the two days is $205USD payable to Meg via PayPal ( Payments must be made by November 1st 2013 to guarantee the tutorial—it takes time to get a travel visa sorted!

Go to Meg's blog: here to check out her portfolio and read reviews of previous masterclasses.

Please email Chris Otton ( to add yourself to the registration list or ask any questions.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Don Featherstone dies: RIP one of the fathers of Modern Wargaming

Don Featherstone Dies:

Sound the Last Post:
The Father of our hobby passes away after a fall and brief sick-bed.

I owe my obsession to this man. Without him we probably would not have Warhammer (in any of its incarnations) or Flames of War. Amongst other things, he invented the saving roll !

More info on Herman's Blog:

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Thursday Gaming

Thursday Night Gaming. 

Healthy looking club. I think we have had better winter attendance than ever before!

Lovely gaming night at the club last night. Demonstration of Warmachine, 40K and Fantasy games, Memoir 44, Roleplay ...

The Campbells bringing in their Reaper Bones kickstarter deliverys: What fantastic Dragons they delivered!
(Read jealousy) I can see many happy hours of building and painting in Sam and Fern's household!

A new Demon Prince of Nurgle on the horizon for Sam?

We just love the variety of genres we are now seeing at the club.

I'm glad we're fulfilling what we set out to do as committee and that we are exploring the whole gamut of gaming out there.

We all have our favourite genres and manufacturers, but it's great to see some variety, and the club also being a safe haven for an afternoon or evening's building or painting !

Going from strength to strength!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Armourgedon: Death Ride at Kursk: Prokhorovka 2013

Armourgedon: Death Ride at Kursk: Prokhorovka re-fought:

Club Day: 25 August 2013

July and August saw the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. The telling armoured clash happened around a village called Prokhorovka in 1943.

We had a fantastic club day re-fighting Prokorovka on Sunday!

Battlefield seen from a Sturmovik perspective

German deploymen:t  Panthers and 88 mm cannon of the 3rd SS Div Totenkopf in the North

 Huge table, with enough place for 3 generals aside, but these were a bit thin on the ground on the day.

Interesting relay action ensued through the day, with multiple generals taking command of elements on the Soviet side over the course of the day, and also part of the German side at times. 

Soviet  Guards advancing to meet the Germans, 122mm Howitzers providing artillery support

History repeated itself to a great extent, with the exception that the 1st SS Division Das Reich achieved a telling blow against the Soviet Guards, annihilating their Churchill IVs, and also took control of the one objective, the bridge to the North of Prokorvka late in the day. 

Tankovy following the Motostrelkovy streaming out of Prokhorovka

A Second Guardsunit (Chrchill IV and KV1s) protecting the wood mill and station
Light Matilda tanks covering the flank

Soviets dug in along the railway line - a hard nut to crack. ISU 122s in support

Wehrmacht (Heer) Panthers of Army Group Central advancing, 
Heavy infantry Brumbaer and SIG 33s shelling the dug in Reds

Heer Panzers and elements of 1st SS Das Reich take on the bulge of Russian forces

Light armoured cars race to intercept the SS Recce Zug trying to flank the Strelkovy and spot for the 88s and LeFH 18s of the SS Totenkopf Div.

3rd SS Totenkopf Panthers surge forward

T34s going up in flames

Not much can withstand the 88mm and 75mm Panzer steel

Least of all the Motostrelkovy, who first saw their lead vehicles destroyed, and then the tank killers ensconced in the wheat fields alongside them.

Burning and destroyed trucks causing a bottle-neck that the Shermans just could not get out of, rendering them all but impotent to influence the rest of the course of the battle

Churchills and KV1s charging forward to meet the Heer Panzers, hapless Stuarts already knocked out

The German Pincer movement was about to close, and Army Group South About to capture Prokhorovka in the face of massed dug in Zis 3 guns, when we had to call it a day. 
Not really unlike what happened at Kursk in 1943
Another turn, and it may have been a different story...The dug in Soviets would have been difficult to dislodge from Prokhorovka. 

Chalk it up as a narrow Victory for Army Group South if you count taking the no-mans land objective as a victory point. Herr General Von Manstein would have been pleased.

Great fun with role-play and 40K also happening on the day, and a Memoirs '44 game. Thanks again to all that participated.