Thursday, 23 January 2014

AGM minutes 2014

Notes from Annual General Meeting held 23 Jan 14...

Hi everybody,

Just keeping it all straight, here's some notes from the AGM held yesterday evening:

1. Annual Report - Mark gave a verbal report of activities of 2013, and where the club now stands. Added to by several people in discussion. Some key points:
  • Assets - The club has a cupboard, which is full of terrain and scenery, several board games, and $863 in the bank. The board games were new in 2013 and have proved popular.
  • Liabilities - Nil.
  • Members - We had 43 members at the end of 2013.
  • Events and Leagues - We ran 4 club Sunday's in 2013 and several leagues, although could do more. Open Day and Swap Meet were particular successes.
  • Games Played - Big increase in types of games being regularly played: 40k, Fantasy, role play, Warmachine, Memoir '44, board games (e.g. Risk, Contagion) as regulars, and Star Wars X-Wing, Flames of War and WW2 getting going.
  • Community Centre - This is a great venue (safe, central, warm, good for youngsters) and Pat and the Community Centre have been very supportive. We're still under warning to have our rent increased again, and if this happened we'd have to review where club was held due cost.
  • Door Fees - Noticed a drop-off in payments towards end of 2013 - we need everyone to pay their $4 every Thursday without having to be chased, or it will hurt us all. This pays for the room rental.
  •  Financial Accounting - We've had good Treasurers, but current Treasurer Hamish (a banker by profession) is improving the systems and the visibility and we'll have accounts for the next AGM. The move to online banking was a very good one.
  • Thanks - to Committee members particularly, but also all who have helped out.
2. Items from the floor - a number of items were raised and discussed, including:
  • Club Meeting Running - Committee and club need to address how the club runs on a club night, as its too haphazard at present - opening up, collecting fees, closing up. Everyone needs to pack their gear and tables away when they leave.
  • Grants - Club could apply for grants - to be pursued in 2014.
  • Door Fee - Committee allowed by Constitution to do this as year progresses.
  • Club buy codexes - Nice idea, but no. Not enough money for that. People need to bring their own armies, club will usually only buy things everybody can use.
  • Internal competition fees - Not charged by Club. Club would only charge were there were costs which needed to be recovered from players.
  • KapCon 2014 - A group of gamers from Kapiti, including members of this club, have been discussing idea of a weekend long convention/competition in Kapiti, on the national agenda. To be progressed (see Mark if interested).
3. Membership Fee - Confirmed at $30 per person for 2014. Payable now.

4. Election of 2014 Management Committee:
  • Chair - Sam
  • Club Captain - David
  • Secretary - Fern
  • Treasurer - Hamish
  • Events and Leagues - Nick
  • Junior Rep - Yossi
  • Junior Rep - Alex
  • Property - Herman
  • Marketing and Communications - Mark
Committee meetings are usually held monthly on a non-club night

Happy gaming,


(outgoing Club Chairman)