Thursday, 6 March 2014

Thursday Game Night

Game night again last night!

I was only able to come up at 8, but able to get in a great fantasy game with my Daemons. Have not run them since the new book came out last year, in stead concentrating on the Druchii. After NZTC I think we're all a bit tired of our usual armies! Sam ran his Mantic Ogres for the first time. Lovely Figures.

Generic Mantic Ogre Pics

Being a bit green on the Daemons he was the obvious opponent to play, given his huge experience with Daemons at tourament level.

 Luc isn't sick of his Ogres yet, so ran them against Nicks Nautical themed Greenskins. Saw 40K going down in at least 3 games, and I think there was a Warmachine game as well. Not sure what happened in the junior session. Not a huge turnout, but I had a ball anyhow.

The Ogres-Daemons game was a real grindfest, with Sam eventually getting a 13-7 victory.
Sam ran an Ironblaster,  Leadbelcher bus, Ogre Irongut Deathstar and 3 Firebellies, 3 dogs to distract!
 I ran Slaaneshi daemonettes, 2 Beasts of Nurgle, Soulgrinder, Bloodletters and 10 Horrors, 2 x 5 Dogs, Can o' Khorne; Daemonprince w Exhalted Gifts. My one Beast spent the whole game chasing one of the sabretusks in circles before finally gobbling it up. Highlight for me was my Soulgrinder snipe-grabbing his general from his gutstar and squashing him in his Deathclaw! Woohoo!

Posted by Herman

Harry the Claw

Sunday, 2 March 2014

KWC at the Warhammer Fantasy NZTC 2014

KWC at the Warhammer Fantasy NZTC 2014

The winners: "The Team with the Guy"

So we had the 2014 NZTC in Khandallah, Wellington at the weekend. 2 days of luvverly WHF battles in team format. The KWC didn't do as well as we had hoped (or had been buffed up to do)

We fielded 2 teams - Beauty and the Beasts, and 1/250th of the League of Doom.

The experienced Tournament and Masters Level players with killer lists went into B&B (Fern, Hamish, Sam, Nick) and the Newbies with less hard-hitting lists in The LoD. 

1/250th LoD's Team Shirts

Not unexpectedly,  the LoD took out the Wooden Hammer,  or was that Wooden Spoon?  (Rex, Dave, Luc and Herman)

Wood elves vs a Dwarf Gun-line. Any bets on the outcome? 

B&B came 7th Overall in a field packed with International and National Masters level players. Not bad going guys, but not as good as they had hoped to do. An ubiquitous note was the shaming of the person who let the team down by the wearing of a blonde wig and tiara. Nick was the first to sport this dubious honour!

Fern sporting the Tiara

While the Beasts confer

A great time was had by all, new friendships (and enemies? ) made. Kudos to Pete Dunn and his team for arranging this great team event!

The spoils

The topline

and the bottom line! At least not a TOTAL white-wash !