More behind the scenes photos of KWC working away on the ANZAC Diorama at the Weta Workshop:
A second weekend spent on this amazing labour of love. Our club is honoured to be taking part of this event
Bruce and Shaun spraying sandbags
More spraying: Dust on their shoes. Figures rolling off the "conveyor belt"
With Roly (Ok, not officially a card carrying club member, but close)
Chairman Sam being interviewed by TVNZ
The painting tables seemed to multiply. Sean, Herman, Reinhold and Dave set up another one. The Perrys need the Maori contingent !
"They're in that box that came in with some unassembled figures!:
" How many do we need ? " ....120 !
"How many do we have? .... 18 !
" I thought we were done assembling and painting.
Apparently not! And off we go...
How busy can you get? Roly's photo from the Crows' nest:
TV crew, 3 tables painting and assembling, and the" Conveyerbelt"
Bruce helps the ANZACs arrive
Some familiar faces? The Perrys rendered Roly and Rhys as special characters
And after all that hard work you must surely be thirsty!
So off to the pub for some well-earned refreshment with you !