Sunday, 6 March 2016

Magic Draft Wednesday 10/2/16

Magic Draft $20 Tournament

Draft pack includes
-1 Battle for Zendikar Booster
-2 Oath of the Gatewatch Boosters 
If we get over 12 players a mix of other boosters will be brouhht in.
Prizes available for winners

Kapiti Wargames Club 8pm Wednesday 9/3/16

@ Kapiti College main hall

Margaret Road, Raumati Beach

NOTE: We will be playing other Tabletop Wargames/Boardgames/RPGs as well.

Kapiti Wargames Club AGM Wednesday 9th MARCH 7pm

It's that time of year again when we hold the AGM. This will beheld at 7pm and shouldn't last an hour

  • New Committee needs to be elected
  • Committee Meetings to be held
  • Membership Fees to be agreed upon
Please be there and get involved. This is your club!