Thursday, 23 May 2013

Planetary Empires Campaign at KWC

So we went and spent some money on Planetary Empires last year and now we're running the campaign.

Six armies will contest for control over the imperial hive world of Peka Peka. The protagonists are ready, the map has been decided, and the battles will commence with the placement of starting forces next club night 30 May (at 6:45pm). The campaign will run for 8 weeks.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Wargaming SWOP Evening

By popular demand it's back: Next Thursday we're going to have a bit of a trade evening at the club. 

 Wargaming SWOP Evening
from 6pm to 8pm, Thursday 23rd May
Paraparaumu Community Centre, Ngahina Street, Paraparaumu

You can bring along miniatures to buy/trade/sell.
We will be playing games before and after or when things start to peter out.


10am – 5pm, Sunday, 30th June.
Paraparaumu Community Centre, Ngahina Street, Paraparaumu
Gold coin donation appreciated. Everyone welcome.

Miniature Wargaming in Scifi, Fantasy and Historical periods will be on show.

We will be hosting the Golden Griffon 2013, the first Kapiti Wargames Club Painting competition. 
Please support the club’s fund raising efforts by buying food from the Canteen. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Regional Interclub Friendlies: Welllington Warlords

Inter-club Friendly: Wellington Warlords 

       We played an inter-club friendly against the Wellington Warlords on Saturday. 
We had a very good turn-out from both clubs, with both junior and senior players from both clubs attending.
Thank you  to Pete and the Warlords for the Invite! 



      KWC had a great day of gaming. We will reciprocate soon!

Daemons vs High Elves

Gamers of all ages and pursuasions

Plenty of WHFB and WH 40K games, FoW Ancients, Naval Engagement and some other unusual games also happening, and some games and figures on sale.

Also an opportunity to stock up on paint and modelling materials. Most of us got 2 or more games in, good fun good sportsmanship all round! Pukeko Games also came to the party!

Dark Elves vs Lizardmen

Nicely painted salamanders

Ogre Kingdoms vs Lizardmen

Tomb Kings Ranking up

It's all in the roll of the dice...

Flames of War Generals getting started...

I have never seen so many bikers in one army!

Streetwars or Road Rage?

Ancient Enemies

Historical Battles

Clashing Cavalry

Fern overseeing an unholy alliance of Tomb Kings and Dark Elves

against Lizardmen 

Luc taking on the High Elves

Temple Guard Battling the Necrosphinxes

Luc bought a Pandemic (tm) game, which was really fun to play. I found it resembled the actual pandemic mechanics and randomness, spread of disease, etc quite well. The modelling is quite close to what is used by many governments (I know, having consulted for the NZ Department of Labour on their Pandemic preparedness and response)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Runefang Heroes

Kapiti Wargames Club Members go toe-to-toe against the big guns at Runefang VI

Congrats to Pete Dunn and his Skaven!
Congratulations also to Sam, Hamish and Fern, who took on some of the country's top players at Runefang at the week-end.
The final results from Pete website:
Well done guys!
KWCs contenders:
Joint 4th Place for Sam, and Joint 8th for Hamish.
Fern in 27th place, and this probably still makes her the top women's player in the country !