Monday, 21 October 2013

KWC Swap 2013 Day a Big Success

KWC Swap 2013 Day a Big Success

A big thank you to all who took part in our second Swap Meet. We had an excellent turnout, with gamers from all over the region coming to buy, swap and sell every type and scale of wargaming paraphernalia you can think of. 

Board games, role playing games, 40K, Warhammer, Warmachine, FoW, 20mm, and every scale smaller and larger, up to probably 54mm, I think. Pukeko games did a roaring trade too! 
You name it, it was there!

Our gratitute to the members and committee who all helped to make our second Swap Meet a roaring success. I for one went off with a load of miniatures, conversion bits, and terrain for both my loves- 20 mm WW 2 and Warhammer Fantasy. I sold quite a few carry cases, 1/72 models, the last of my 40K (CSM and SM), codexes, reference and source books, a handful of minis and lots of bits.

Some armies changed hands. Some lucky FoW gamer walked off what can only be described as an Allied Invasion force. I was sorely tempted to invest in a 15 mm Army, buy stood strong... Less so when it came to the fantasy miniatures and paints Pukeko had on sale. Showed a (small) profit for the day. The best part was the cameraderie, the friendly banter and negotiation that took place, the shared passion for our hobby. Just great stuff! If you didn't make it this year you have to try and get down to our annual Swap Meet next year October!

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