Thursday, 21 November 2013

1,2,3...KWC, Working Bee

All about rhyming slang today: 
KWC, Working Bee...

A group of us are getting together to build and maintain terrain tomorrow 23.11.2013

Open to members, their families and friends. We intend to build and maintian terrain for the club, frazzle a few sausages on the BBQ over lunch.
At Herman's place, from 10 am onwards: Details from committee members or via the KWC facebook page: Clicky on bee for link:

 KWC FB page

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Packed Club Night

 Nov 2013- Packed Club Night

WOW! Walked in tonight to find the club's 2nd Session  absolutely PACKED.

Gaming going on in all around! 40K, WHFB, Warmachine, FoW, Board games, RPG!
 WoW, Just WoW! What a buzz! Just so great to see so many gamers!
Fern counted 34 before we arrived, so final count 36. Must be a record for a gaming night!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Warmachine/Hordes Journeyman More information Page.

Week 1 has come and gone and Week 2 is coming up soon, so you need to buy that extra 4 or 5 points to up your force to 15 pts required for next Thursday and 25 points for the 3rd week. There are some links to progress so far, force composition, rules for the league, basic game rules and where to buy Warmachines.

Chris has posted up a blog update on Thrallblacks of first week's progress of the journeyman league .

Here's a guide Chris has posted for all about force composition:
Journeyman League Rules
Warmachine Quickstart Rules
Hordes Quickstart Rules

Also resources available
Privateer Press forums
Battle College Warmachine/hordes tactical guide

Some of the places to buy Warmachine:

Slave to Painting
Jambo Hobbies.