Thursday, 21 November 2013

1,2,3...KWC, Working Bee

All about rhyming slang today: 
KWC, Working Bee...

A group of us are getting together to build and maintain terrain tomorrow 23.11.2013

Open to members, their families and friends. We intend to build and maintian terrain for the club, frazzle a few sausages on the BBQ over lunch.
At Herman's place, from 10 am onwards: Details from committee members or via the KWC facebook page: Clicky on bee for link:

 KWC FB page


  1. Just leaving a comment as I can't find a contact email anywhere.

    Does anyone want a demo game of FoW this Thursday? I can provide both armies and terrain.

    Email me: moosemoose316 at if interested.

    1. Hi there. There are usually FoW players looking for a game every week. Post your message ob FB too:
      We have plenty of terrain, some armies, but I'm sure you'll find some takers.

  2. I am prepared to run a demo for anyone interested, let email me if you want me to bring my gear. Failing that I might just play warmachine.

    Email me as I don't use Facebook.

  3. Will put your request up on FB for the club if you are happy with that, if anyone is interested they can email you
