Sunday, 11 May 2014

KWC 2014: Our 3rd Open Day

KWC's 3rd Open Day

Just got the photos's up, will update text soonest: 
Cheers Herman (Only my photo's so far, except last 2 which I nicked of Bala Menzies' FB page. Hope you don't mind Bala!)

Dave givin' 40K lessons

Warmachine and the popular painting table behind it, 
and Fern firmly in control of the equally popular refreshment stand!

Churchill AVREs landing in 20mm FoW

The 2nd KWC Golden Griffon Painting Competition:

Junior Winner - Small Figure 
Jack Clark

Roly and Paul with their great Ronin Samurai Game


Photo credit Bala Menzies

Photo credit Bala Menzies


  1. Nice photo's. Thanks for having us along at the Open Day, it was a great day and good to see the club going strong. Cheers, Paul.

  2. Thanks to all that could make it on the day. The press dropped us a bit, with not publishing the press release; and sports on a Saturday was never gonna mix well with wargaming, lots of visitors couldn't make it. Think we've gained a few potential members. We had good gaming though, and some reasonable exposure to the public.

  3. You could still try sending a photo to the press, with a report describing the day?

    1. True Roly, May do just that. Thank you for your kind words about my display on your blog too. I do also enjoy setting the scene, and shared a similar moment when I saw those little Airfix commando figures in the cockleshell canoes. The waves were my first attempt with water effects, and I am rather please with how they came out! I just had to incorporate them in the game somehow! More photos on my blog:
