Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Kapiti Wargames Club First Saturday and Magic Draft

Hi all, fresh from our first committee meeting of our new committee we have a few things planned this year.

Magic The Gathering Draft Nights

We're doing draft again this year, but this time it will be once a month on the first Wednesday. Cost will be $20 and this month it will be Pure Aether revolt at 7:30pm 1st March.

1st Saturday Gaming Day

Club will not only be meeting each Wednesday night at the Kapiti College Library but each 1st Saturday we're trying to get even more people to come to the Kapiti College Hall. Open from 10am 4th March.

Scenery Workshop and Terrain Working Bee

2nd Club Saturday will be a scenery workshop and Terrain working Bee. This is the time of the year where we inspect all the terrain and do some fixups. I'm hoping to get some city boards flocked and painted up for our 40k cityfight/ww2 stalingrad/Necromunda, etc.urban warfare type games. We're also looking at purchasing new terrain from your club fees but you only get a say if you rock up on the day. We'll be open from 10 am. We usually get in some games after the working bee.

Kapiti Wargames Open Day

Open day is on again this year, we're looking for a day of fun and gaming inviting anybody who wants to come along for demo games, roleplaying, card games, board games, you name it.  More information to be coming soon.

Swap Meet and Inepticon

This is on again for the first Saturday in October, we will be looking to make host more tournaments this year as well as the usuall annual Swap Meet. Last year was an awesome success.

Club Annual Fees

Your $30 annual club membership is due. I will be chasing people up with gentle persuasion and a wooden axe handle for you club fees. These go to a school donation for use of the facilities and towards buying new terrain and fixing the terrain we already have.

Kapiti 5th Annual Swap Meet and Tournaments

It's that time again.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Eldritch Moon Draft night 21/9

Hoping to have a big organised night of drafting before Kaladesh comes out next weekend!

Cost will be $20 for 3 boosters to draft with. Prizes included. 7pm Start @ Kapiti Wargames Club in the library. Entry is on Margaret Road, Raumati Beach.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Bloodbowl this week.

Jebjeb and a visitor are playing bloodbowl this Wednesday. So get your boots on and smash some face.

Booked dates and location for the rest of the year

Wed 7th Lib
Wed 14th Lib
Wed 21st Lib
Wed 28th Lib
Sat 1st Oct Hall
Wed 5th Hall
Wed 12th Lib
Wed 19th Lib
Sat 22nd/Sun 23rd Hall
Wed 30th Lib
Wed 3rd Nov Hall
Sat 5th Hall (Not confirmed)
Wed 9th Lib
Wed 16th Lib
Wed 23rd Lib
Wed 30th Lib
Sat 3rd Dec Lib
Wed 7th Lib
Wed 14th Lib
Wed 21st Lib

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Membership Renewal

Its time to renew your membership, please fill out the form linked below and do not forge to pay the membership fees. Paid members get a 7.5% discount off the total purchase at Scott Bowman's Hobby Corner at the Paraparaumu Beach Pharmacy.


Bank account numbers:
Annual membership subs ($30 per year):
03 0732 0637242 001   - Kapiti Wargames Club, Westpac Paraparaumu
Identifying payments:

In order to identify payments into our club bank account, can you please put your first name, last name and the reason for the payment (e.g. or “subs”) when depositing money into these accounts

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

May Club update

We've moved to new premises which has seen a major benefit of not having to pay for hall. We have access to twice the amount of scenery. We can possibly do 12-15 full 6'x4' tables for a mix of fantasy and/or scifi. At the moment the club members are playing Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Bolt action, Frostgrave, Flames of War, X-wing and Magic the Gathering.

Club day's First Saturday

From 10am to 4pm we have club day on the first Saturday of the month. Show up for magic, fantasy/scifi/historical wargaming or boardgames.

Fees are due.

These are a one off for the year for $30 and funds go towards scenery purchase and maintenance.

Important days for 2016

1st Saturdays these are the dates for the rest of the year
7/6, 4/6, 2/7, 6/8, 3/9, 1/10, 5/11, 3/12

Magic Draft is every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. these are the dates for the rest of the year.
May = 11/5, 25/5,
June = 8/6, 22/6,
July = 13/7, 27/7,
August = 10/8, 24/8,
September = 14/9, 28/9,
October = 12/10, 26/10,
November = 9/11, 23/11,
December = 14/12

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Magic Draft Wednesday 10/2/16

Magic Draft $20 Tournament

Draft pack includes
-1 Battle for Zendikar Booster
-2 Oath of the Gatewatch Boosters 
If we get over 12 players a mix of other boosters will be brouhht in.
Prizes available for winners

Kapiti Wargames Club 8pm Wednesday 9/3/16

@ Kapiti College main hall

Margaret Road, Raumati Beach

NOTE: We will be playing other Tabletop Wargames/Boardgames/RPGs as well.

Kapiti Wargames Club AGM Wednesday 9th MARCH 7pm

It's that time of year again when we hold the AGM. This will beheld at 7pm and shouldn't last an hour

  • New Committee needs to be elected
  • Committee Meetings to be held
  • Membership Fees to be agreed upon
Please be there and get involved. This is your club!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Magic Draft Wednesday 10/2/16

Magic Draft $20 Tournament

Draft pack includes
-1 Origins Booster
-1 Battle for Zendikar Booster
-1 Oath of the Gatewatch Booster 
Prizes available for winners

Kapiti Wargames Club 7pm Wednesday 10/2/16

@ Kapiti College main hall

Margaret Road, Raumati Beach

NOTE: We will be playing other Tabletop Wargames/Boardgames/RPGs as well.

Monday, 1 February 2016

1st CLUB night, 1st Saturday Games Day and NEW location


Welcome to 2016, Kapiti Wargames club is meeting for the first time this Wednesday 3rd February from 6pm til Late. Through scenery sharing the Kapiti College Games Club and Kapiti Wargames Club has effectively doubled the scenery available to play. Membership is open to all.


For those who can't come during the week or those who just love gaming we will be running our First Saturday club, from 10am Saturday 6th February.


First Magic Draft tournament will be Wednesday 10th February from 7pm Cost will be $20 and will cover 3 boosters each and Prizes.


Our new location is the main hall (next to the front office), Kapiti College, Margaret Road
Raumati Beach. Please use the access road from Margaret Road as Hillcrest Road access is  not accessible after school hours. We will be having club meets in the Hall, but if the hall is booked out we will be meeting in the library across the car park.