Friday, 3 August 2012

Wargamers on the Kapiti Coast, New Zealand

The Kapiti Wargames Club (KWC)

Meets Thursday nights 

Kapiti Community Centre, Ngahina Street, Paraparaumu, Kapiti.

Games Workshop games: Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Role Play and Mordheim Historical Game: Flames of War 15mm (1/100 scale) , Warhammer World War II 20mm (1/72 scale) strategic board games at present.

We also have regular week-end meets for large scale games, themed events or tournament and exhibition purposes. The club is open to any and all games systems and players are welcome to visit a few times  before they join. Membership information is available

Two sessions run every Thursday
16.00 to 19.00 Junior Member Session (Supervised, under 16 years)
19.00 to 22.00 Senior Member Session

Experienced players older than 16 years may attend the Senior session

Kapiti Wargames Club Facebook page


  1. Founded in 2012
    In Kapiti Community Centre.
    Started in 2009, the 'Severed Head Warhammer Club' became a meeting point for Fantasy and 40K gaming.

    In late 2011 we collectively decided to move on from the old more informal club and created the Kapiti Wargaming Club - broadening the club so that all wargamers are welcome.
    One of the strongest aspects of the club is that it welcomes gamers of all ages and fosters a fun, safe and inclusive wargaming environment.

    We welcome all gamers and ask only that you follow our 'rules and etiquette', pay your fees, and have fun.

  2. Oh very sweet, I so don't like facebook. Keen to come down some thursday night, but would love weekend gaming.

  3. You are more than welcome. We need more Fantasy Players.We have a weekend game coming up in September, and a swap meet in October (with gaming, of course)
