Thursday, 28 February 2013
Mordheim Resources
So Jayden is running the Mordheim Campaign starting in 2 weeks. All of the Mordheim resources are here on the Games workshop site and any warband is allowed from the Mordheimer website
Of note there is the Roster sheets you can print off and the rule books from the GW website.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Committe Meeting
Committee Meeting
A first committee meeting for 2013. A new year, a new committee...Looking forward to great year of gaming:
Lots of plans, including a calendar on this blog.
Many tournaments coming up,
Games days on Sat/Sundays...possibly one as early as April
- 40K League - Running, Jayden leading...
- WHFB League - Starting
- Morheim Season - Kicking Off
- FoW Masterclass - Learing curve for players new to the rules set
We have planned another meeting in 2 weeks to flesh our plans out....will keep you posted
New Army Book,
Skulls for the Blood God,
Tau. warhammer,
Warriors of Chaos,
Friday, 22 February 2013
First 20mm FoW Game at the Club
First 20mm FoW Game at the Club
Panther D
Thursday was another good club night, second session was a bit quiet, but still enough players for 3 games to go down:
Hamish's Skaven against Sam's Daemons. At last look (they were still playing when we left):
Looked like the Daemons were slowly going under in a Vermintide
Dave and Michael (Not too sure exactly what happened either), looked as Chaos SM on Chaos SM, poss Michael pipping Dave?
I was too focused on trying to make head or tail of the Flames of War Rules, LOL
Flames of War in 20mm:
Finally took the plunge and had a go at FoW rules, but of a change from WWW2 and 40K rules, and a departure from using ballistic skill to hit. Struggling to get my head around rolling on your opponents experience to hit, but I guess that will come with time. Just feels wrong.
Anyhow, two greenhorns (Luc and yours truly) attempted a "Dash for the Village" Late War Scenario, with me playing Panzer Grenadier (2 Platoons of Panthers) vs British Armoured Platoon (M4 Shermans, Firefly platoon and M10 Achilles). Luc inflicted most damage with his Fireflies, I took out a Sherman with my LeFH 18s, and failed to stop him from taking the Village/Farm with his motorised platoon, despite PzGren with Halftracks intercepting and pinning him in the ploughed field. Quite hard going, with neither of us familiar with the rules. Michael promised to pile in next week, so that may well be a more enjoyable experience. Fun, never the less!
20 mm,
Flames of War,
Keeper of Secrets,
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Daemons of Chaos Release: Leaks and White Dwarf pictures
Daemons of Chaos Release: Leaks and White Dwarf pictures
This looks like on of the best models:
For more info see Herman's Blog: Trouble in the Border Provinces
Monday, 18 February 2013
KWC goes to the New Zealand Team Championships 2013 ( Warhammer Fantasy)
KWC's Kapiti Krushers goes to the New Zealand Team Championships 2013
(Warhammer Fantasy Battles)
The Kapiti Wargames Club fielded a team called the Kapiti Krushers at Saturday and Sunday's New Zealand Warhammer Fantasy Battles Team Championships, held and Ngaio Town Hall, in Wellington
Unpacking the armies
The first round of action begins
The Kapiti Krushers team consisted of
Hamish (Captain, Warriors of Chaos) - centre
Sam (Daemons of Chaos) - right
Nick (Orcs and Goblins) - back
Herman (Dark Elves) - right
The tournament took place over 2 days, with 40 players in 10 teams, each playing 6 rounds in total.
WoC vs Lizardmen
Nick taking on Chaos Daemons |
Sam's Bloodletters on the rampage
Second Round: Team Omen
Nick facing the Empire
Sam taking on High Elves
Hamish dealing with a Vampiric incursion. Excellent support for the team provided by Fern throughout the two days, even painting some Skaven, to boot...
Some armies were absolute works of art...
Peter Dunn's Ogres on the march
Chaos Dwarfs dominating a group of Harpies. Even the Dark Elf shades from the adjoining table have something to say...
Nick taking on the Empire again, this time from the Capital Crusaders, an Aussie team
The spoils
The Victors: The Von Trapp Family (Also known as the Dunns)
A mountain of terrain to be put away after the games
This was my first tournament, which I approached with just a bit of trepidation, but I found all the opponents I came up against accepting of my lack of tournament experience and ignorance of some of the finer niceties of the 8th edition rules. Took out a win against Lizardmen, Two draws (Brettonia and Dark Elves) on my first outing
We came in 8th overall, which was a little disappointing for some, but I am generally quite satisfied with our performance (being the newbie)
Still some bragging rights in that: I suppose KWC's Kapiti Krushers are now Ranked no 8 team in NZ until next year.
Not bad for a start, I think... And…we beat the Aussies (yay!)
Check my WHFB blog for more detail and photos: Trouble in the Border Provinces
Dark Elf,
Dark Elves,
Kapiti Wargames Club,
New Zealand,
Peter Dunn,
Team Championships,
Warriors of Chaos,
Thursday, 14 February 2013
AMG, New Committee, Welcome from the President
AGM, New Committee, Welcome from the President
Thank you to all who attended the AGM and cast your votes in the election of a new committee for 2013.
We look forward to the KWC growing from strength to strength!
A thank-you to members who have stood down for their past efforts.
Congratulations to newly elected and re-elected members.
A word from the Chairman:
Congratulations and thanks to all that were chosen and accepted to lead the Club going forward in 2013!
We came a long way in 2012, and if we can build on that this year we can go a long way in 2013 too.
Congrats to Gus and to Sean for being elected our Junior Reps – parents Steve, Sandy and Catherine (and me) congrats too
Any issues or questions give me a call or email. Please ensure your youngsters are kept up to date with club emails (thank you)
Mark Ternent
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
AGM Tonight. We Need you!
Kapiti Wargames Club AGM
Reminder of Games Night and tonight's AGM (Annual General Meeting); inclusive of election of Office bearers. You need to be there. We are looking for a volunteer to take over the position of treasurer that Lee-Anne is vacating. Out sincerest thanks to her for all her hard work over the past year. There is also a junior rep position open, as James is now considered a senior player. All the other positions are standing down, with some (we hope most) current committee members available for re-election as per our club's constitution.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Monthly Newsletter: Feb 2013: Let the games begin
Our electronic Newsletter, on the blog or subscribe to email version here:Kapiti Wargames Club eNews Letter
the games begin!...
Welcome to 2013 and another year of
wargaming on the Kapiti Coast.
The club is off to a good start, and there's
plenty to see and do on a Thursday night. We're creating a safe, inclusive and
fun environment for people of all ages to enjoy their hobby together.
So get yourself along on a Thursday afternoon or evening, same routine as last year - 4:30 pm for the early session, and 7:00 pm for the late session at the Kapiti Community Centre. Please finish your games and vacate the tables by 7:00 pm if attending the early session. We've got some other things to get going as well including the election of the 2013 Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting - details later in this newsletter. For your diary - can all members and parents of juniors please attend the AGM - 7:00 pm, Thu 14 Feb at the Community Centre of course. Please note also - that subs for 2013 will be confirmed at the AGM and will be due immediately. Thank you. Thanks again to Nathan from Games Workshop in Courtney Place, who dropped off a whole heap more terrain for us just before Christmas. Really appreciate it Nathan - this stuff makes our tables much better and we would not have been able to buy it. Lastly - the best time to start coming to the club is now - who do you know who enjoys wargaming and might like to come along for a visit. Ask them, or just forward them this email. Let's get a few more people coming along. Have fun, be safe, Mark Ternent (Chair) |
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Last week Michael was plagued by hordes of members (especially juniors) wanting to give him their game results for the 40k league. And we can confirm it now - the 40k league is back!
Same rules and routine as last year, very simple:
1. Arrange a match with someone
2. Play and finish a full game using proper Army Lists and rules
3. Report the results to Michael
This is a great excuse to play lots of games - how well can you and your chosen army do? More details available at the club on the Club Desk.
Contact - Michael
team goes to National Team Champs...
Looking forward to National Team Champs in 2
weeks time are Hamish as Team Captain (Warriors of Chaos), Nik (Orcs and Goblins),
Sam (Daemons of Chaos) and Herman (Dark Elves).
May the dark gods gift them powers of victory! Plans are afoot for exciting adventures in Fantasy at the club, including a Storm of Magic campaign! More to follow. Note for juniors and parents - all of the guys mentioned above are keen to see younger players trying our Fantasy and will gladly teach and mentor. Contact: Herman |
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Haunted Mansion
RPG begins...
Role Playing Games have a strong following
in the club, and a new game began last week and will go for a month or two. A
group of adventurous characters (Arnold, Ethan, Rex, Nick, Jack and James)
explore a haunted mansion, with Jayden as the Dungeon Master. Sounds scary.
Hope they don't get lost.
This game is full, however if you are keen on being in a RPG have a chat to Bala who also wants to start one. One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of RPG games in 2013. Who do you know who might want to join the club to play games like this? Get them along for a visit. Contact: Bala |
Club Leadership...
This is going to be a great year for the
club, and its the Management Committee that's going to be leading the way on
behalf of members.
All of Committee positions are open for election by members at the AGM on 14 Feb. Current members can continue to serve in the same or new roles, and new committee members can of course be elected. But over time, we all need to take our turn helping out. BUT we really need an active committee to help make the club a great place to be. Parents are welcome (we won't make you game, promise!). We particularly need to find someone who will make a great Treasurer. Committee positions available are:
Contact: Mark
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of AGM...
Please EVERYONE come along to the AGM - 7:00
pm on Thursday 14 February.
This is a short meeting with the following agenda:
Opening of Meeting
Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM
Presentation of Treasurers statement
Election of new management Committee and appointment
of Auditor
Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Executive
Determination of Annual Membership Fee
Notices of Motion
Urgent General Business
That all sounds pretty flash, but I can
assure you it's not too bad :)
If you have any items for the agenda, please give them to Mark or Shaun prior to the meeting. Contact: Mark or Shaun |
We've got several people interested in
playing WW2, and quite a few games took place late last year - so let's get
it going again for 2013 - who's keen?
Warhammer WW2 The rules are based on the 40K rules, and can be downloaded legitimately for no cost from
you need to do is register to get access to all the files inclusive of rules
and army books you need.
Herman is available to teach/mentor keen players (once the Fantasy National Champs are over in 2 weeks time). He also has 2 complete opposing forces (US/UK Allies and German) for the European Theatre of war (Late war) and Allied Desert War/Italian campaign and he's happy to bring both to the Club if someone is interested in learning the ropes. Flames of War Ditto Flames of War. We have several players- can they connect up please. Contact: Herman |
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Facebook page...
Club's Facebook page is packing up activity again this year - it
was very active last year. Get along and have a look and try it out if you
haven't already. Hint - it's a great place to chat about ideas, or get games
sorted out. |
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Back in the Saddle and WoC New Armybook
Back in the Saddle again..
So Xmas (and January is over)
The Club is back in Full swing, Club Commitee members are back, and we'll fire up the blog and the Facebook page again...
Club Nights are back in full swing, with a new RPG starting off, 40K, FOW, WHFB and WW2 all up and running. Had a really good turn-out last week, looking forward to an exciting year.
First off is the Warhammer Fantasy Battles NZ Team Championship in Wellington.
Hamish, Sam, Nick and Herman are going to take part in the Challenge.
Hamish will be fielding his Warriors of Chaos, Sam his Daemons of Chaos, Nick his Greenskins and Herman will be taking his Dark Elves.
New WoC Book and Models out: Impressions from across the net:
- Marauder equipment is now more expensive (essentially come naked)
- Marks are now per model, instead of per unit
- Warshrine is now special instead of rare, however the Eye of the Gods is now a bound spell but can affect more than one unit (d3 units apparently).
- Eye of the Gods, a 12 turns a chosen champion into a Daemon prince apparently, there's one roll that gives stubborn, all the rest are stat increases
- Hellcannon gets 5+
- Chariots are core
- Chaos Lord equipment cost went down, they lose lots of magical equipment just as every 8th edition book
- Skullcrushers are apparently more expensive
- Nurgle spells have dual purpose, ie. nurgle spell that increases d3 T on friendly unit can also be cast on an enemy for -d3 T
New Mosters
1 – The Warriors of Chaos Army Book
First up is the new army book, featuring a hulking Khorne-Champion with flaming axes on the cover. 96 pages in the (now) familiar full-colour, hard-cover format that is now standard for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K.
The army book is now also available for pre-order in Games Workshop’s Apple iBook store. Interestingly, the iPad version is said to have 168 pages, instead of 96; probably due to a different layout.
2 – The Big Kits
For a few years now, Warhammer Fantasy made massive, multi-part plastic kits for huge monstrosities and/or warmachines the cornerstone of each new release. I lament this a little, but this is probably the way things go from a commercial perspective, and it keeps the hobby alive. I just hate the fact that things have become a bit of an arms race now.
This one is no different, though Chaos, in any shape and form, is of course naturally suited for colossal abominations of all kinds. The Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast dual-kit is definitely the headliner of this release as monsters go.
Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast:
There are other large kits in the release too.
Dragon Ogres multi-part plastic
Chaos / Gorebeast Chariot
Along with some of the pre-Christmas releases, such as the Chaos Warshrine, and some old classics, such as the Giant or the Chimera, Warriors of Chaos are certainly not spoiled for choice when fielding “big things”.
3 – The Infantry
Warriors of Chaos Forsaken
Where Games Workshop released lots of large kits for Warhammer Fantasy, they rarely add new models for the more rank-and-file. This release got one such addition: Forsaken. Not too sure why these guys have been rehashed, but it appears that they are now a core choice
I’ve heard some people call them the ultimate new conversion-bitz-box.
4 – The Characters
Nothing new, no new characters.but new figures:
Vilitch the Curseling
New Chaos Lord and Throgg
Things that jumped out a:
- Sorcerors are now more expensive, but now have access to four lores base
- Lore of Tzeentch is nothing special
- Warriors are more or less unchanged, but now are more expensive if you want to add and special marks or weapons on them then before
- Marauders are crazy expensive for what they are with a 2pt increase with no advantage what so ever, and forget about wargear and marks as then they become substantially more expensive then similar units in other armies
-Forsaken....fairly useless really
-Warhounds true core and cheaper upgrades and now the same cost as a marauder
-DP worth his pts now and can buy armor
-Horseman are now generally cheaper and have no increase for the best load out unlike marauders
- Knights are garbage for their cost unless you thing paying more for a unit that was already phasing out of use is a good thing
-Skull crushers nerfed since their release.
-Mutations and powers are generally awesome and oddly the cheaper ones are the better part of the list.
-Warshrine only exists to make HQ's into DP's or killing machines, but are now a lot deadlier in CC
- Kholek is now usable at a few more pts then 500pts. However he only has a 4+ armor save now.
(Hoping Kholek's lack of heavy armor is an oversight.)
So Xmas (and January is over)
The Club is back in Full swing, Club Commitee members are back, and we'll fire up the blog and the Facebook page again...
Club Nights are back in full swing, with a new RPG starting off, 40K, FOW, WHFB and WW2 all up and running. Had a really good turn-out last week, looking forward to an exciting year.
First off is the Warhammer Fantasy Battles NZ Team Championship in Wellington.
Hamish, Sam, Nick and Herman are going to take part in the Challenge.
Hamish will be fielding his Warriors of Chaos, Sam his Daemons of Chaos, Nick his Greenskins and Herman will be taking his Dark Elves.
New WoC Book and Models out: Impressions from across the net:
- Marauder equipment is now more expensive (essentially come naked)
- Marks are now per model, instead of per unit
- Warshrine is now special instead of rare, however the Eye of the Gods is now a bound spell but can affect more than one unit (d3 units apparently).
- Eye of the Gods, a 12 turns a chosen champion into a Daemon prince apparently, there's one roll that gives stubborn, all the rest are stat increases
- Hellcannon gets 5+
- Chariots are core
- Chaos Lord equipment cost went down, they lose lots of magical equipment just as every 8th edition book
- Skullcrushers are apparently more expensive
- Nurgle spells have dual purpose, ie. nurgle spell that increases d3 T on friendly unit can also be cast on an enemy for -d3 T
New Mosters
1 – The Warriors of Chaos Army Book
First up is the new army book, featuring a hulking Khorne-Champion with flaming axes on the cover. 96 pages in the (now) familiar full-colour, hard-cover format that is now standard for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K.
The army book is now also available for pre-order in Games Workshop’s Apple iBook store. Interestingly, the iPad version is said to have 168 pages, instead of 96; probably due to a different layout.
2 – The Big Kits
For a few years now, Warhammer Fantasy made massive, multi-part plastic kits for huge monstrosities and/or warmachines the cornerstone of each new release. I lament this a little, but this is probably the way things go from a commercial perspective, and it keeps the hobby alive. I just hate the fact that things have become a bit of an arms race now.
This one is no different, though Chaos, in any shape and form, is of course naturally suited for colossal abominations of all kinds. The Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast dual-kit is definitely the headliner of this release as monsters go.
Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast:
Warriors of Chaos Slaughterbrute
Dragon Ogres multi-part plastic
Chaos / Gorebeast Chariot
Along with some of the pre-Christmas releases, such as the Chaos Warshrine, and some old classics, such as the Giant or the Chimera, Warriors of Chaos are certainly not spoiled for choice when fielding “big things”.
3 – The Infantry
Warriors of Chaos Forsaken
Where Games Workshop released lots of large kits for Warhammer Fantasy, they rarely add new models for the more rank-and-file. This release got one such addition: Forsaken. Not too sure why these guys have been rehashed, but it appears that they are now a core choice
I’ve heard some people call them the ultimate new conversion-bitz-box.
4 – The Characters
Nothing new, no new characters.but new figures:
Vilitch the Curseling
New Chaos Lord and Throgg
Things that jumped out a:
- Sorcerors are now more expensive, but now have access to four lores base
- Lore of Tzeentch is nothing special
- Warriors are more or less unchanged, but now are more expensive if you want to add and special marks or weapons on them then before
- Marauders are crazy expensive for what they are with a 2pt increase with no advantage what so ever, and forget about wargear and marks as then they become substantially more expensive then similar units in other armies
-Forsaken....fairly useless really
-Warhounds true core and cheaper upgrades and now the same cost as a marauder
-DP worth his pts now and can buy armor
-Horseman are now generally cheaper and have no increase for the best load out unlike marauders
- Knights are garbage for their cost unless you thing paying more for a unit that was already phasing out of use is a good thing
-Skull crushers nerfed since their release.
-Mutations and powers are generally awesome and oddly the cheaper ones are the better part of the list.
-Warshrine only exists to make HQ's into DP's or killing machines, but are now a lot deadlier in CC
- Kholek is now usable at a few more pts then 500pts. However he only has a 4+ armor save now.
(Hoping Kholek's lack of heavy armor is an oversight.)
Throgg went up with very little change for the good. Lost D6 copious vomit but still has the breath vomit attack. Gained a Great weapon.
Trolls lost the mutant regeneration. May upgrade to 2HW. Same points. Supporting attacks may vomit now though.
Daemon Prince,
Dragon Ogres,
New Army Book,
Warriors of Chaos,
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