Our electronic Newsletter, on the blog or subscribe to email version here:Kapiti Wargames Club eNews Letter
the games begin!...
Welcome to 2013 and another year of
wargaming on the Kapiti Coast.
The club is off to a good start, and there's
plenty to see and do on a Thursday night. We're creating a safe, inclusive and
fun environment for people of all ages to enjoy their hobby together.
So get yourself along on a Thursday afternoon or evening, same routine as last year - 4:30 pm for the early session, and 7:00 pm for the late session at the Kapiti Community Centre. Please finish your games and vacate the tables by 7:00 pm if attending the early session. We've got some other things to get going as well including the election of the 2013 Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting - details later in this newsletter. For your diary - can all members and parents of juniors please attend the AGM - 7:00 pm, Thu 14 Feb at the Community Centre of course. Please note also - that subs for 2013 will be confirmed at the AGM and will be due immediately. Thank you. Thanks again to Nathan from Games Workshop in Courtney Place, who dropped off a whole heap more terrain for us just before Christmas. Really appreciate it Nathan - this stuff makes our tables much better and we would not have been able to buy it. Lastly - the best time to start coming to the club is now - who do you know who enjoys wargaming and might like to come along for a visit. Ask them, or just forward them this email. Let's get a few more people coming along. Have fun, be safe, Mark Ternent (Chair) |
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Last week Michael was plagued by hordes of members (especially juniors) wanting to give him their game results for the 40k league. And we can confirm it now - the 40k league is back!
Same rules and routine as last year, very simple:
1. Arrange a match with someone
2. Play and finish a full game using proper Army Lists and rules
3. Report the results to Michael
This is a great excuse to play lots of games - how well can you and your chosen army do? More details available at the club on the Club Desk.
Contact - Michael
team goes to National Team Champs...
Looking forward to National Team Champs in 2
weeks time are Hamish as Team Captain (Warriors of Chaos), Nik (Orcs and Goblins),
Sam (Daemons of Chaos) and Herman (Dark Elves).
May the dark gods gift them powers of victory! Plans are afoot for exciting adventures in Fantasy at the club, including a Storm of Magic campaign! More to follow. Note for juniors and parents - all of the guys mentioned above are keen to see younger players trying our Fantasy and will gladly teach and mentor. Contact: Herman |
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Haunted Mansion
RPG begins...
Role Playing Games have a strong following
in the club, and a new game began last week and will go for a month or two. A
group of adventurous characters (Arnold, Ethan, Rex, Nick, Jack and James)
explore a haunted mansion, with Jayden as the Dungeon Master. Sounds scary.
Hope they don't get lost.
This game is full, however if you are keen on being in a RPG have a chat to Bala who also wants to start one. One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of RPG games in 2013. Who do you know who might want to join the club to play games like this? Get them along for a visit. Contact: Bala |
Club Leadership...
This is going to be a great year for the
club, and its the Management Committee that's going to be leading the way on
behalf of members.
All of Committee positions are open for election by members at the AGM on 14 Feb. Current members can continue to serve in the same or new roles, and new committee members can of course be elected. But over time, we all need to take our turn helping out. BUT we really need an active committee to help make the club a great place to be. Parents are welcome (we won't make you game, promise!). We particularly need to find someone who will make a great Treasurer. Committee positions available are:
Contact: Mark
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of AGM...
Please EVERYONE come along to the AGM - 7:00
pm on Thursday 14 February.
This is a short meeting with the following agenda:
Opening of Meeting
Confirmation of Minutes of previous AGM
Presentation of Treasurers statement
Election of new management Committee and appointment
of Auditor
Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Executive
Determination of Annual Membership Fee
Notices of Motion
Urgent General Business
That all sounds pretty flash, but I can
assure you it's not too bad :)
If you have any items for the agenda, please give them to Mark or Shaun prior to the meeting. Contact: Mark or Shaun |
We've got several people interested in
playing WW2, and quite a few games took place late last year - so let's get
it going again for 2013 - who's keen?
Warhammer WW2 The rules are based on the 40K rules, and can be downloaded legitimately for no cost from http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/WWW2alternaterules/
you need to do is register to get access to all the files inclusive of rules
and army books you need.
Herman is available to teach/mentor keen players (once the Fantasy National Champs are over in 2 weeks time). He also has 2 complete opposing forces (US/UK Allies and German) for the European Theatre of war (Late war) and Allied Desert War/Italian campaign and he's happy to bring both to the Club if someone is interested in learning the ropes. Flames of War Ditto Flames of War. We have several players- can they connect up please. Contact: Herman |
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Facebook page...
Club's Facebook page is packing up activity again this year - it
was very active last year. Get along and have a look and try it out if you
haven't already. Hint - it's a great place to chat about ideas, or get games
sorted out.
www.facebook.com/kapiti.wargames.club |
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